Sonic The Hedgehog & Ashuro

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Ashuro, Sep 17, 2016.

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  1. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    Sans titre.png
    This version is an update version of the Sonic Hacking Contest 2017!
    Fixed: _
    _Gens, Regen, Android, and every emulators compatibility problems.
    _Some places when you get stuck with Sonic in Ashuro's places.
    Sonic & Ashuro 4.02 [REV01]

    Author : AfterLife (Ashuro/Drakughost, Frenzy-Frenzless)
    Developers : Ashuro
    Beta-testing : Frenzy-Frenzless
    Special Thanks : FireRat, ProjectFM, FraGag, Ayla, Vladikcomper, MarkeyJester, Natsumi, Genesisdoes, Clownacy, Lazlopsylus, A.S.H., RedHotSonic, Valleybell, MainMemory, and all the Sonic Stuff Research Group's members, Sonic Retro...
    Introduction – Sonic Hacking Contest 2017 :

    Hello, first, i'm sorry for my bad english. I am proud to present you 2 years of hard work, which I was able to experience all my knowledge in rom-hacking, and which I was able to make live a universe that existed since long before this adventure, since well before the idea of making a rom-hack.

    Sonic & Ashuro was released during the Sonic Hacking Contest 2016, I presented the first version of this project: The 3.0 (which I later updated to Sonic Stuff Research Group as 3.1).
    I received a lot of good feedback and decided to continue this project, which seemed unfinished. I decided to recast 60% of the game, improve a lot of things, I fixed so many bugs, technical problems, unfinished plans that I lost my mind.
    Many nights have been sacrificed to make this game.

    What was originally supposed to be an update of my first hack "Ashuro The Badger" became a Sonic Mania-like, and what became a Sonic Mania-like became a merger of the first two. Now, with a few exceptions, neither of these elements can recall the two previous ones, to propose an experience similar to SHC 2016, but totally refreshed.

    I hope you enjoy playing Sonic & Ashuro again, and thank you.

    Story :

    After losing once again against Sonic, Tails and Knuckles on Angel Island, Dr. Eggman in a desperate attempt will use the residual energy of the Chaos Emeralds and damage the spatio-temporal balance of their dimension.
    Sonic's world will find itself on the same vibratory plane as its parallel universe, that of Ashuro the badger. But the universes are collapsing on themselves and Dr. Eggman risks destroying all the worlds they harbour.
    To prevent the destruction of the world, Sonic and Ashuro will join their forces to restore the order and return to their respective worlds.
    Gameplay :

    Sonic the hedgehog – world's fastest hedgehog.

    Spindash : down + A, B or C
    Super peelout : up + A, B or C
    Dropdash : after jumping, push B or C.

    Super Sonic : Once the seventh Chaos Emerald collected, you can take 50 rings and then press A after a jump. To return to your normal form, press A again after a jump.
    You can take 100 rings and become Super Sonic Blue, a tribute to Dragon Ball Super by Akira Toriyama and Toyotaro.

    While Super Sonic, you loose the dropdash and the peelout, but you can perform an Homing Attack.

    Run on water: Only in Depth Diamond Zone, if you run fast enough, you will be able to run on the surface of the water.

    Ashuro the badger – fearless devil badger.

    Spindash : down + A, B or C
    Super peelout : up + A, B or C
    Double jump : after jumping, push B.
    Drop attack : after jumping, push C.

    You can perform a Wall Jump, by hanging on a wall and bouncing off.
    To do this, you must jump and press the right key against a wall to the right of the character, and left key on a wall to the left of the character. Once Ashuro is hooked, you have half a second to press the A, B or C keys to jump to the opposite side and hang on the wall or land on the faceplate. If not, you fall.

    Nega Ashuro : Once the seventh Chaos Emerald collected, you can take 50 rings and then press A after a jump. To return to your normal form, press A again after a jump.

    While Nega Ashuro, you can perform a super double jump and a telekinetic attack to destroy all the badniks and monitors on-screen.

    Water skimming : In all zones with water, you will be able to use the "Water Skimming". Get enough speed and you can ricochet on the water surface.
    When underwater, press B or C after a jump to swim. While swimming, press A to do a kick if you encounter an enemy while swimming. Press B or C during your kick to continue swimming.
    *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    Sonic and Ashuro can run on the walls horizontally, when it happens, you must press up or down to move the character to avoid traps and collect rings.
    If you press the left button, you'll stop running and fall.
    You have to catch 50 rings to access the Special Stage at the end of Act 1 and Act 2 of each zones, by jumping into a Giant Ring. There are seven Special Stages in all, all of them becoming more and more difficult. Each Special Stages gives you the chance to win a Chaos Emerald. Get all the seven to unlock the real end of the game!

    In Enigmatic Egg Zone, electric pylons can make you shrink, in order to access secret passages, inaccessible in normal size.
    After crossing the secret passage, you can enlarge again to get back to your normal size by retouching the electricity of these pylons.

    Easter Eggs and others... :

    Red Hot Sonic mode : In the title screen, when the message "Press Start" appears, do this command:
    Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right.

    You will be able to replace Sonic by Red Hot Sonic, a spicy version of Sonic, who is invulnerable to fire, but beware, you will not be able to make any dropdash or super peelout anymore.
    You lose Red Hot Sonic when you break a switch monitor.

    Metal Sonic : When you finishing the game with the seven Chaos Emeralds, hold "C" and press start in any zone entry of the level select to play as Metal Sonic in a quick new story.

    Monitors :

    # 10 Rings
    Gives 10 rings.

    # 1-Up
    Gives 1 life.

    # Bubble Monitor
    Gives infinite air.

    # Sparkles
    Gives invincibility temporaly.

    # Shield
    Gives a shield.

    # 50 Rings
    Gives 50 rings

    # Speed Shoes
    Gives a speed bonus

    # Switch Monitor
    Change between Ashuro and Sonic in real time.
    Zones :

    Grass Garden Zone : An heavenly babylonian garden, with large waterfalls and fruit trees, invaded by the badniks and traps of Dr. Eggman.

    Pyramid Panic Zone : An ancient city built by the "folk of the sun", lined with mysterious frescoes, labyrinths, traps and other mysteries.

    Seaside Steel Zone : A commercial bridge under construction that crosses the southern seas. The coast's police will come after you.

    Cactus Canyon Zone : An abandoned factory where the cactus regains their rights. Reflection will be required to cross this desert.

    Leaf Land Zone : A thick forest full of mushrooms and traps. Caterkillers and bats will try to harm you.

    Frozen Flurry Zone : The frozen continent that hides Dr. Eggman's secret base. You can go for it at any speed, but be careful: the floor is slippery

    Depth Diamond Zone : A mineral-soaked groundwater table with numerous traps and corridors winding through the rock. Explore the area.

    Enigmatic Egg Zone : With the seven Chaos Emeralds, our heroes are coming to put an end to Dr. Eggman's plans.
    All rights reserved to AFTERLIFE, Ashuro/Drakughost and all stuffs related to Ashuro the badger, his universe, his story, his original sound tracks...
    All rights reserved to SEGA and Sonic Team and all stuffs related to Sonic the hedgehog, his universe, his story, his original sound tracks...

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
    Angel X, ProjectFM, jubbalub and 3 others like this.
  2. ArcaniaCQ

    ArcaniaCQ Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 18, 2015
    I do not like Green Hill Zone with it's fucking bottomless pits. It feels way to cheap. And not only that. I dislike the fact that every stage I checked had water in it that made the game harder. And to add to the last point. WHY DO YOU HAVE A FETISH FOR BOTTOMLESS PITS? It's the most cheap way of doing a level. And it's in 3 fucking different stages.
  3. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    Ok. :)
    I like bottomless pits, if you don't, its the same.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
  4. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    No one-word responses?
  5. NiphFM

    NiphFM Host of the Mega Drive Music Contest Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    Music Plant Zone
    Uh, no. Not many people like bottomless pits, and as Cavey stated:
    That's not okay. Bottomless pits are the cheapest way to add difficulty to a level, and are a pain in the ass to predict too. I got pissed off with the Mystic Cave Zone-like spike pits, and excessive amounts of bottomless pits really quickly, and looking at some of the reactions already, other people are getting quite annoyed by it too. Please fix by next release.

    Now, veering away from "Bottomless Pits 101", I'll provide my thoughts and opinions on this hack:

    Sonic and Ashuro's new moves are implemented quite well, except for that Wall Jump. I know it's from ReadySonic, but it is quite annoying every time you brush against a wall, Sonic/Ashuro clings on...

    Level Layouts and Design
    I personally think that the level layouts are quite well done, with an okay balance of speed and platforming, but there are WAY too many bottomless pits around (in every zone) and it gets seriously annoying, when you mistime one jump and plummet to your death. Your new chunks are a nice change and work very nicely with your level layout. It's obvious you have put a lot of time and effort into making them, and I applaud you for that.

    The music that you have ported isn't bad, though there are a few songs that sound very empty (without backing) like Cool Edge Night. I really liked that Starlight Carnival port though! So, okay job.

    Art and Palettes
    Your art is mostly well done. I liked that extra bit of detail in GHZ with the main tilework, and I was figuratively drooling at the "inside" pattern in your SYZ. Some of your other zones artwork is pretty good too, like the extra stuff in your MZ and LZ (well ported, I must say). Your palettes though, need a lot of work, especially Frozen Island 1 (too bright! Tone it down a little bit!), LZ 3's underwater palette and SLZ 2 and 3.

    You did an okay job with this, but you really need to iron out those kinks in there. It's easy to see that you have put a lot of time and effort into everything in this hack, but those bottomless pits do spoil the game a bit, and please remove at least half of the "Dimps" features. This is Sonic & Ashuro, not Sonic 4, remember.
  6. Devon

    Devon A̸ ̴S̴ ̵C̵ ̷E̶ ̸N̸ ̴D̶ ̵E̶ ̸D̶ Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    ....what does that even mean? Are you trying to say that we should think the same as you? I don't understand what this is supposed to mean.
    HackGame and Crimson Neo like this.
  7. Thatgamerguy2234

    Thatgamerguy2234 Newcomer In Limbo

    Sep 1, 2016
    Oh goody goody. A hack with a ""original"" character with barely any edits pinned up with a official character! GREAT! Even better,there are pits all over the fucking place! FANTASTIC! *sarcasm*

    Besides that,this is decent. I fucking LOVE the music. It is very nice to listen to. The graphics (besides original the character) are good too,even though I wish eggman had different sprites. However,WHY is green hill zone here? WHY can't Ashuro be TAILS or SHADOW? Why is there a shit ton of PITS? Why? Why? WHY?
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
    Clownacy likes this.
  8. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo I changed a lot. Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Where I didn't wanted to be.
    This sounds like you're... just ignoring his criticism and arguments. It's like, while he's doing a good critique about your hack, it's fine for you, but if it's a negative one: "Oh K, fuck it then, I don't care."
    HackGame, Pacca and NiphFM like this.
  9. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    There is no pits in EVERY zones. Thank you A-S-H for your constructive notice.
    Example, in Green Hill, my bottomless pits comes after a ""launching pad"".
    But yes i can figured it out.
    And the rainbow color and flash palette in LZ3 and in SLZ 2 are intended, i'm sorry if your eyes burned :D
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    And now, i don't care if my "fachanracteroriginalrecolorblahblah" ASHURO THE BADGER do not please you, because i like my character and i don't want any "shadowknuckles" or other already seen X time.
  10. TheFieldWarrior

    TheFieldWarrior Warrior of the Fields Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    United Kingdom
    I played this hack, Pros and Cons list time:


    1. I like that you gave Sonic the same treatment as Ashuro by giving him a cool custom spriteset,

    2. There are areas where each character can to take advantage of their abilities (i.e Sonic can use the homing attack on enemies that go up a vertical area instead of platforming)

    3. Some levels have a nice flow to them (especially Green Hill)

    4. The art on some levels is well detailed, mainly the ones that aren't ported from Ashuro the Bager

    5. I like that Sonic and Ashuro have their own layouts on certain stages

    6. You fixed some of the issues from Ashuro the Bager regarding the controls


    1. C doesn't do anything for Sonic while in the air, why? You could've easily made C jump dash as well or maybe even add another move for Sonic (i.e Insta-Shield or Drop Dash since there are Sonic Mania references)

    2. Sonic can't jump dash/homing attack underwater

    3. Bottomless pits almost everywhere. Bottomless pits are fine when you're near the end of the game (like the last two levels) but not in the first 3 levels. Even if you do add them in the last two levels don't put them in random spots like you've already done here, you gotta pick your spots carefully.

    4. Later levels feel empty and have plenty of jarring chunk and object placements (especially Night Coaster Zone)

    5. There is one particular section in Frozen Island where you get lauched off of a ramp at high speed, naturally I would hold right to continue moving but when I did I ended up standing on top of the stage, I landed on a log which was connected between two walls and I had to wait for the time over (thank the heavens for the fast forward feature) since I couldn't escape

    6. Some of the art glitches up at times, mainly the "100" points sprite and the dash pad

    Overall I am mixed on this hack. There are major improvements over your last hack but there are also some things that I would actually consider step downs from your last hack (i.e the botomless pits cranked up to 11). I do hope you at least improve on some of the problems with the hack before you depart from hacking.
    Ashuro likes this.
  11. Pineapple Arse

    Pineapple Arse I ironically hate cold temperatures. Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    A cold place.
    This hack was pretty fun Ashuro, but there is some minor problems. First off, in level select, sometimes when you start a level, you die before the level starts, which can be annoying. Second off, the cheep areas, such as Green hill zone. But the parts I really enjoyed was the new moves, the awesome music (seriously, it was some of the best I heard), and the art choices you chose (besides Cyber Egg Zone act 3. That looks like it should belong in a sonic.exe game XD). But I really enjoyed it and its a great hack overall. I give it a 8.2/10 IGN
    Ashuro likes this.
  12. JoenickROS

    JoenickROS ROS (bug fixing in progress) Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    Okay I have to point out some pros and cons about these music ports.

    The DAC layout for the songs fit really well in each song
    The instrument choices are usually picked well and are fitting with the feeling of the level.
    NCZ Act 1, except the bass is using the channel that the rings use when it should be using channel 1 so that the ring sound doesnt play over it, I would make the background instrument use that channel instead. Keep in mind you always want the bass at channel 1 and lead at Channel 2, or vise versa, so you can prevent this.
    ASH's Ocean Base port.
    FIZ Act 1

    Some acts music is louder than others, examples of some that are way too loud and sound cluster fucked are GHZ Act 2, GHZ Act 3, NCZ Act 3, and CEZ Act 1
    The direct ports all at some point have broken and obnoxious psg. There was one that was not a direct port from another game which was IZ act1 that had broken psg as well.
    PTZ act 2s Pyramid Cave port is missing a lot of notes and sounds rather empty, also that guitar voice you use when it plays higher notes doesn't sound good at all. Also I am pretty sure that guitar is supposed to be lower, as I did a port of it as well.
    FIZ Act 3, I did a port of that one as well, yours is rather empty, and a little boring no offense, might want to consider redoing that one or chose a different song.
    Diamond Dust Zone port is pretty broken and doesn't fit with the level you put it in. Same with Rusty Ruins act 1 in Depth Crystal

    Anyway a lot of these ports and direct ports need editing/fixing. Good luck
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
    Ashuro likes this.
  13. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    There is just something about this hack that allows me to ignore a lot of its issues and I can appreciate that. However, there are some notable problems.
    • The ports of Fatal Fury 2 songs in Industrial Zone Act 1 and 2 are broken. I could send you fixed versions if you want.
    • Industrial Zone Act 3 crashes the game in Regen.
    • As I said in Ashuro the Badger's thread, the C button is usually used by my index finger which would make it the best button to use for Sonic's Homing Attack and Ashuro's Double Jump. Heck, why doesn't A, B, and C all do the homing attack?
    • After reading Night Coaster Zone's description, the level itself disappointed me. I was expecting the art to make it look like a roller coaster track but it turned out to have the same art as Star Light Zone with the exception of the arrows in the ground.
    • Some of the palettes use odd colors as shades. This can especially be shown in Pyramid Trap Act 3
    Other than that, the art, the music, and the level design is all pretty good. One thing that made my jaw drop is how Sonic looked at you when you charge the peel-out.
    First of all, the fact that an original character is being used was already brought up in the two other threads related to Ashuro the Badger that Ashuro has made. Second, what's wrong with the original character, anyway? He's just as different from Sonic gameplay-wise as Tails of Shadow, looks a lot different than Sonic, and is pretty well animated. In fact, I'm pretty sure one of the only reasons there aren't more fan characters in hacks is because not everyone is a good sprite artist. Third, what's wrong with keeping Green Hill Zone? It's not like changing the name would make it that much different. Lastly, asking "Why? Why? WHY?" about the choices Ashuro made when creating the hack makes you come across as whining because it isn't your ideal hack. Green Hill Zone didn't need a name change. Adding Ashuro was probably a big part of making the hack and allowed for a new character to be added that didn't have to use specific moves like Tails and Shadow do. Pits were probably what Ashuro saw good things to use as obstacles because they don't require any objects to be placed or new pieces of the level to be added. Really, each choice has a rational reason if you really think about it.

    And Ashuro, I hope you are able to use your experience with hacking to do something greater. You really have shown your talent with art around here.
    TheInvisibleSun, pixelcat and Ashuro like this.
  14. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014

    I'm a noob in SMPS editing and music ports, also, i sequence (original for some) midis by hand and import it in my hack with mid2smps, or i take an smps from other games and import too.

  15. sham1

    sham1 Newcomer Member

    Jul 8, 2014
    Somewhere in Northen Europe
    That's a lot of underlined bolded italics.
    HackGame, redhotsonic, Pacca and 3 others like this.
  16. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    You do it on purpose to complain for all??
    This is WHY i want to get out of here after the SHC. Seriously.
  17. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    ...what does that even mean?
    Sham1 is saying that all that underlined bold italicized text is unnecessary. (And it is).
    HackGame, M.N.K., Misinko and 4 others like this.
  18. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    Sonic & Ashuro UPDATED at the first post.

    list of fixies:
    _All the bottomless pits (almost), you will not die directly: PTZ = cushion by a collapsing platform, GHZ = by a bridge.
    _Industrial Zone act 3 and Frozen Island zone act 3 have different musics, for those which complained, i cannot do better.
    _For those don't understand why Sonic cannot jumpdash/homing underwater, i have doing a small fix: When sonic is underwater, he can jumpdash with a speed of 300 and homing with a speed of 400.
    _For those don't like the Ashuro's wall jump, here is the issue: Before my fix, when you touch a wall while in air by pressing L or R, you can perform a wall jump, but NOW, you can do it only when you HOLD A/B/C, and Ashuro will automatically jump, just make sure you hold A/B/C and L/R.
    I cannot do better and i don't want to remove this ability. Now, Ashuro can collide a wall without doing a wall jump when you don't want.
    _In Frozen Island, a BIG bug, when you run on a slope, if you doing the spindash or if going too fast, you will be dropped bythe ground and DIE. Now it's fixed because i have put another collision index and optimize the block.
  19. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    You're right: if you keep breaking rules, you won't be around here after the contest.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  20. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    You say you don't like fan characters whilst saying you like yours. X the Hedgehog and the like have been done to death. Hypocritical much?
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    HackGame, Devon, Misinko and 4 others like this.
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