Sonic Construct Worlds DX (Playable Demo)

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Unlimited Trees, Jul 3, 2017.

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  1. Unlimited Trees

    Unlimited Trees Banned for being a fucking cockwomble Exiled

    Apr 2, 2016
    A tree field in the middle of nowhere
    Hello people. I've got another terrible game for you. I've recently quit ROM hacking sort of. Although I may produce just a simple level layout hack for SHC, I'm done with hacking. It was way too frustrating and after over 1 year of getting nowhere, I decided to just start fan gaming. So I'm moving UTS1 to my own "engine", and I picked up an abandoned thing and made big progress. I've made enough progress to the point where I think I can show off a playable demo. I'm going to be releasing the source at SAGE this year, because hopefully it'll have more features and maybe have less bugs, but whatever.

    Anyways, here's Sonic Construct Worlds DX (unoriginal name is unoriginal)
    Sonic Construct Worlds DX is a Construct 2 "engine" made by me, Unlimited Trees. It uses a custom behavior plugin by someone named PixelMonkey. It also borrows some code from Sonic Construct 2 Worlds. Basically, it's just the Sonic Behavior plugin, with gimmicks and animations ported. Here's what it features:

    -2 Test Zones (TZ2 is a mostly blank level) and 1 act of Marble Zone is ported.
    -Most of Sonic's animations from Sonic 2
    -The basic things (Spindashing, getting hit, collecting rings, losing rings, and other things)
    -Pathswapper system similar to Sonic 2 and 3
    -Elemental shields are partially implemented, though bubble shield is messed up, and the elemental shield art isn't actually implemented
    -Random gimmicks from random games (CPZ pipes, the green CNZ things, bumpers, pushable blocks)
    -Basic badniks
    -Debug mode
    -Some other things

    W/A/S/D: Movement
    J: Jump
    K: Debug Mode (only active when Debug is enabled in the Options Menu)
    Enter: Start

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Known Bugs:
    -Spindash is pretty broken
    -Somehow, I don't know how it happens, but sometimes you can't jump for awhile.
    -Various problems with monitors being solid, such as rolling right next to it won't destroy it, and on rare occasions you might be able to get stuck in the monitor
    -entering CPZ pipes the wrong way will send you in a direction and not actually enter you in the pipe, the same happens when going too fast
    -being off screen before the end title card shows up will cause the music to stop
    -Sometimes when going to the Controls screen via the menu, you would be sent to the title screen and not back to the Main Menu when pressing enter/start
    -Various other bugs I may have forgot about

    Remember to read the readme file in the folder. It contains some kinda important stuff regarding actually opening the game.

    pls read whole thread b4 downloading pls

    EDIT: I almost forgot. Credits are in the readme and also appear in the splash screen after the "READ SSRG PAGE" splash screen.
  2. Devon

    Devon A̸ ̴S̴ ̵C̵ ̷E̶ ̸N̸ ̴D̶ ̵E̶ ̸D̶ Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    So, I played through the demo here, and honestly, I don't think it's very well crafted in its current state.

    You've already pointed out some bugs in your post, so I won't bring them up, but I still have some other issues that I would like to bring up.

    The collision can be rather broken at times. Sometimes, when I try to roll up a slope, the collision just halts me and pushes me back.
    Also this:

    The physics also aren't very good to me as well. They feel rather floaty (specially when jumping), and when I have speed shoes, the deceleration is just too slow and it makes it hard to control. The knockback speed is also too fast, as well. When Sonic is about to jump out of water, it feels like he's being sucked out of the water. On my first playthrough, I had a rather hard time moving around in some areas because of how wonky the physics felt. Yes, I know you are using a plugin for this, but at this point, you are better off doing something else, in my opinion.

    When I started Marble Zone, I immediately died for absolutely no reason at all, but when the level restarted afterwards, it was all normal.

    Now some nitpicks I have...

    The way the title card transitions doesn't look very nice. It looks sluggish. Also the top text is misaligned :v

    Also, I dislike the way Sonic angles himself on the ground. To me, it looks unnatural. I would prefer that on the ground with small slopes, that he doesn't angle himself at all, and on things like ramps, loops, etc., he does.

    I generally dislike the camera as well, mainly when Sonic goes really fast, and it lags behind like Sonic going down the huge slope in Chemical Plant 2 in Sonic 2.

    So, yeah, those are my thoughts. Wasn't too impressed by it in its current state. I'm sure it will get better as it's developed, but right now, no. Also, here's a playthrough of it:

    EDIT: I should add that, when you exit the program "NWJS" (which comes with the demo), is still left running...
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  3. Unlimited Trees

    Unlimited Trees Banned for being a fucking cockwomble Exiled

    Apr 2, 2016
    A tree field in the middle of nowhere
    For the collision and how Sonic stops when going up slopes, it's mostly due to how that the game uses separate objects for the collision (the plugin doesn't support things such as tilemaps which pisses me off). The control I can probably fix by changing some values, and the reason it feels like he gets sucked out of the water is because I tried fixing a problem where, if you try to jump out of water, you get stopped.

    Also, for the other points, the Marble Zone thing I don't know how that happened. It hasn't happened to me when I tested the game. For the way Sonic rotates, I tried figuring out a way to make Sonic not rotate on small slopes before, but I never could figure it out so I just left it there. Finally, for the fact that the .exe continues running even while closed, I have no idea why it's doing that. It's probably a problem with Construct 2? I don't know.

    EDIT: just went on google, found that the game still running thing is a bug where the NWJS doesn't close. i don't know if they fixed it but i'm looking right now
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  4. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    That's really disappointing to be honest. Of course I'll respect your decision to move on, but I just feel that all the work you did with improving your art and all that would have easily been recognised well in this year's Hacking Contest, and you may have been in line for a trophy or two perhaps.
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