I need help for coding in Assembly files

Discussion in 'Discussion & Q&A' started by Mr. Nouyoule, Oct 24, 2019.

  1. Mr. Nouyoule

    Mr. Nouyoule Newcomer Spam Bot

    Oct 23, 2019
    Welcome to this thread,

    For the curious peoples, this thread is for advanced assembly coding (.asm), because i do not know good this langage, in fact the machines langage. Since some times, i had thought make a sonic's rom hack with a lot of functionnalities, like many bosses, with very cool gameplay, that who could prove the rom hack would be cool for playing three times by day. When i want make the bosses and coding the enemies differences, i see i do not know really the assembly langage, the langage of the Megadrive (or Genesis in America).

    -For more information take a look below-

    My progress in Rom Hacking

    Since some days, i begun my "real" first rom hack, because before i had maked some rom hacks, but they are a little bad and i do not want to retry. I create my rom hack in the good path, i already changed the graphics of the enemies for like be in the next of Sonic 1 (this is i want to say through my rom hack story), but the background stay very bad, but i can modify it, so this is still not my issue.

    My issues

    Look that i want to explain to you: I want to make my custom bosses, and change some bosses, but i do not know how to good write in Assembly langage, so i modify the original bosses, and i stay in the same issue, because i want to put a first boss in the second level and the second boss in the final level. I would like know if we can code easily a boss or it is impossible or too hard.

    I need help for make a possible great rom hack in assembly (.asm) and realize that i want to do.

    Thank you very much.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
  2. Devon

    Devon A̸ ̴S̴ ̵C̵ ̷E̶ ̸N̸ ̴D̶ ̵E̶ ̸D̶ Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    I'm sure someone could give you some good pointers, references, and more fleshed out answers, but here's some thing that I want to say:
    • You should go study how some of the assembly instructions and how they behave to help you understand some of the code. There's MarkeyJester's 68000 reference that was designed to be more beginner friendly that you can find by Googling it.
    • It also helps to learn how the game engine works, particularly the object engine in this instance. Looking at existing boss object code to see how it behaves can help you out.
    • Learning to program and develop games is not a guaranteed easy or fast process. Depending on how quickly you'll catch on to things, this could take a bit of time. No one ever was instantly amazing at it in a day, month, year, or even several years. There is just no instant gratification, and more likely than not, you're not gonna immediately get it all right the first few times. However, there's no need to rush it, either. It's only a hobby, after all. Just go at your own pace and see what you pick up along the way. There's also not just one method of learning programming, either. You just have to find what works for you.
    In my opinion, I think a good reference for object programming and how the game handles them in detail would be nice to have around here.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
    Mr. Nouyoule likes this.
  3. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    A few things off the bat. Your English is very difficult to read, I assume that it's not your primary language. This is a mostly English based community, so I'd recommend you work on it a bit more to fit in. Secondly, a question like this is more well suited for the basic questions and answers thread, it just keeps the forums tidy. Lastly, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking for. The title implies you just want to learn 68000 Assembly, in that case, give MarkeyJester's guide a read. I personally reference it when I need to understand an instruction's function (Say AND). However, the contents of your question seems to be focused on boss related contents. Making an original boss is a difficult thing to do, so I'd recommend looking at one of the boss' code and tinker with the numbers to see what results you can get. This way you'll be able to understand their behavior. I hope this helps you in some way, and you'll be able to grow as a member of the community.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
    Mr. Nouyoule likes this.
  4. Mr. Nouyoule

    Mr. Nouyoule Newcomer Spam Bot

    Oct 23, 2019
    Thanks you very much for your answers, you help me very much, and i forgot my english stay bad, and i am sorry for it.

    My objective: For make more bosses, i will copy/paste the old bosses, and i will modify a little for have a second boss. That will take a big quantity of times, because i should use a way to change the sprite for do not affect the other, if you arrive to follow until here :)
    Thanks you very much again, because i had not understand how to make good bosses, and i will try to study this langage, and i will go to take the MarkeyJester's guide for have more informations. Maybe in a very far (with me a very long time) time later, i could make my first own original boss, but that will very hard.
    I will be concentrate (or focus, but i use sustained langage) on simple bosses, and learn step by step the working of the game's code and i will take a look on many guides for do not be lost to the middle of big issues.