clownmdemu - The Greatest Mega Drive Emulator Ever (Someday)

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Clownacy, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    You're right, I forgot that some Mega CD rips lack a CUE file. Thanks for the reminder - that's yet another format that I should add support for.
    peachy likes this.
  2. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    Try it in your web browser:

    Being that it is currently a weekend, I have some spare time to release another update. Mainly, this update adds support for more Mega CD disc rip formats, but there is another improvement that I wanted to highlight as well:

    Fix Window Icon Blurriness on High-DPI Displays
    A user shared this screenshot of the emulator in a GitHub Issue:


    This desktop is running at an extremely high resolution, which is made evident by the high-resolution font rendering. However, when looking at the very top-left of the screenshot, something odd can be seen...


    Right next to the crisp, high-resolution font is an awfully blurry, low-resolution icon. I found this to be very strange, as the icon which I made for the emulator supported resolutions up to 1024x1024, and yet here the window is clearly using the 16x16 version of the icon.

    I eventually found that setting the icon of the window is the responsibility of the SDL2 library, and that it was using a peculiar method of extracting "default" icons from the running executable: it would obtain the full path to the executable, use the ExtractIconEx WinAPI function to extract specific large and small icons from it, and then assign those to the window. I found this odd because it seemed unnecessary to obtain the path to the current executable when SDL already has a handle to the executable. Additionally, WinAPI provides functions to obtain icons from the current executable by loading them as resources, which, to my understanding, is the standard method which the majority of people use.

    Icons can exist on their own or in a group. It appears that ExtractIconEx returns lone icons rather than icon groups, and that the icons which it returns are not the ideal resolution for high-DPI displays. Windows relies on icon groups in order to support high-DPI displays, selecting the icon with the appropriate resolution from the icon group to be shown. Because ExtractIconEx was not returning an icon group, Windows was unable to do this, resulting in the 16x16 icon being used at all times.

    SDL2 has a 'hints' system, allowing some degree of configuration. With it, I can force the window to use a particular icon or icon group, instead of relying on SDL2 to choose one automatically. Indeed, doing this fixes the issue, causing an icon with a decent resolution to be shown instead:


    But this was not good enough for me: why should I, and every other user of SDL2, have to set a hint to make SDL2 use the correct icon resolution? SDL2 should get it correct by default! So, I took it upon myself to fix SDL2. According to this StackOverflow answer, in situations where Windows itself has to assume an executable's icon (such as when viewing it in File Explorer), it uses the first icon group within it. Using WinAPI's EnumResourceNames function, I made SDL2 do just this. As I had hoped, this fixed the issue completely, ensuring that the best icon resolution is always used!

    With my work done, I submitted it as a Pull Request to SDL2's GitHub repository, and it was promptly merged! When SDL2 v2.30.3 or v2.32.0 is released, expect to see this bugfix included as a part of it! This improvement also benefits the upcoming SDL3, which boasts improved high-DPI support as one of its main features!

    Support Many More Mega CD Disc Rip Formats
    v0.7 only supported rips in the 'BIN+CUE' format. This is a basic format where the BIN file contains a dump of the disc's sectors, and the CUE file contains a transcription of the disc's Table of Contents. While this format does well to preserve data accurately, it uses a lot of space due to two things: 13% of the CD-ROM data being useless junk data, and the CD-DA audio being uncompressed PCM.

    To address this, other formats exist, such as 'ISO+OGG+CUE'. In this format, the CD-ROM data is moved to its own ISO file with the junk data removed, and the CD-DA audio is also split to its own files and encoded in the Ogg Vorbis format. This greatly reduces the size of the rip: for example, the Japanese version of Sonic CD is reduced from 556MiB to 126MiB.

    The downside to such a format is complexity: the rip is no longer a straightforward dump of raw, uncompressed sectors, with each one being exactly 2352 bytes; now, CD-ROM data is in sectors that are 2048 bytes in size, while CD-DA audio is encoded and lacks the notion of sectors altogether. The encoding in particular is a massive complexity, as formats such as Ogg Vorbis are extremely complicated and not very feasible to create a new decoder from scratch for, necessitating the use of pre-existing software libraries instead.

    It is with such libraries that I have extended my emulator to support additional formats! In particular, stb_vorbis, dr_flac, dr_mp3, and dr_wav are used to support Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, MP3, and WAV audio! This should encompass the majority of formats commonly used by Mega CD rips. What is special about the libraries which I have chosen is that they minimise the concerns about portability and licensing, due to them being written in ANSI C and released under extremely-permissive licenses.

    Another format that is now supported is the 'CUE-less' rip: in this format, there are only ISO and audio files, and no CUE file. With no CUE file linking them all together, these files are instead linked through their naming: the ISO file is named 'XXXX.iso', and the audio tracks are named 'XXXX 02.ogg', 'XXXX 03.ogg', etc. If the user makes the emulator load the ISO, then the emulator will automatically search for the audio files and load them too.

    The 'CUE-less' rip in particular is the best format for homebrew developers, as they do not have to maintain a big fragile CUE file, nor do they have to go through the rigmarole of inserting junk data into their ISO file, decoding their audio to raw PCM, and combining it all into a gigantic BIN file.

    With these formats supported, archivists, homebrew developers, and typical end-users alike are all catered to!

    There is one format that still needs to be added, however: CHD. This is a format from MAME, which encodes the audio in FLAC, compresses the ISO in one of several compression schemes, and combines it all into a single file. This format has found popularity relatively recently, being added to many emulators under the RetroArch umbrella. It walks the line between targeting end-users and archivists, as it preserves the original data while still saving space through the use of compression. Unfortunately, the library which is used to decode CHD files is woefully undocumented, preventing me from integrating it into my emulator. I hope to eventually figure out how to use this library so that every common rip format is supported.

    With this, the biggest shortcoming of the previous update has been addressed. The emulator should now be well-rounded enough to last people until the next update. I wonder what I will work on next?
    Crimson Neo, DeltaW and ProjectFM like this.