Sonic 2 Recreation

Discussion in 'Staff Projects' started by redhotsonic, Sep 10, 2011.


Should I bother to update Sonic 2 Recreation?

  1. Yes, any update would be nice!

  2. No, I'm only interested in seeing part 2

  3. No, not at all

    0 vote(s)
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  1. RandomInnocentGuy

    RandomInnocentGuy Newcomer Exiled

    Mar 20, 2012
    Anywhere else than canada.
    But that's what I just said.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
  2. EMK-20218

    EMK-20218 The Fuss Maker Exiled

    Aug 8, 2008
    Jardim Capelinha, São Paulo
    It's absolutely a true fact. It was a good reason for me to have kicked up some asses of people in the past when some people compared my art/music work in Sonic 1 Harder Levels with the art/music work which Team Megamix did with Sonic Megamix 3.0. These hacks have completely different viewpoints and a completely different team work in general. Also regarding to remember that S2 Recreation wasn't nor based on other projects. The point is that even with similar drawing techniques which would/could be applied, this hack has a point of being unique and intelligently very different in comparison to any other hack of the past. Like you said, Stephen, a comparison between projects which are being worked differently is really ridiculous. It for don't say, tiring.
  3. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    I just posted this on Sonic Retro as I hadn't announced S2R there yet, but I thought I'd give a round-up of what's happened so far here too. You may of seen some of these before but some stuff are new here too, so have a quick read anyway.

    I'm not sure when I will release this, but it will probably be shortly after the hacking contest 2012 as I plan to enter it first time this year. Anyway, the levels.


    This is the portal Zone. This is where you come to change/access levels, change characters or options.



    The first level, West Bay Zone.



    Dashhoops are in the game.


    End level screen.


    This is Great Gate Zone. StephenUK provided the art for this one so thanks to him. Instead of showing you pictures, here is a video that might interest you. It shows you what the level looks like, the new layer deformation, how the background changes when underwater, and how the sound system changes underwater (underwater sound driver by ValleyBell) Sorry for the crap quality


    You may recognise this from Sonic Advance 3.


    New shield. Does the same as the ordinary one, except it attracts rings.


    New badnik alert. He just stands there. But when you get close…


    He starts rolling towards you!


    Tails is hurt!


    And so are you! To destroy him, just jump or roll into him.


    The CAZ block.


    Push down on it and the block will move down slowly


    Let go of down, then the block will move back to it's original position fast; shooting you into the air!


    Another new badnik. Just don't hit the sides of him, and you'll be fine. He doesn't move. The platform can move in certain directs to reveal paths.


    Gem Runway. The level where you can test your speed. See them little orbs in the foreground? They are all animated and pulse slowly.






    Yes, that's right, I've created my own boss, and it took a lot of work. He's almost perfect, just one slight bug which rarely happens.


    He fires red balls at you. They can hurt you unless you're jumping or rolling.


    Jump at them, and they turn yellow. If the yellow ball hits Eggman…


    It hurts him!


    After a few hits and it goes into pinch mode, things get harder. He shoots a lot more at a time, and starts throwing spiked balls, that hurt you no matter what!

    Other levels in progress:




    Yes, the lightning is animated

    Here is another video! This shows you how the bosses work in S2R. That they have pinch mode, and that all bosses have changed in some way! This demonstrates EHZ (showing you act1, 2 and 3, and ARZ act 3). Also shows you that the bosses explode differently

    Video is here, I cannot post another media: Again, sorry for the crap quality

    And one more video. Showing off how Sonic's burst works. Because of the crap quality again (sorry), you don't see his burst to his full potential, but you get the idea:

    Other facts

    • S3K object manager (with the help of Module)
    • S3K touch_response (Module)
    • Optimised objectmove, objectmoveandfall, and animate_sprite, bringing even more performance.
    • Fade in and out properly (instead of fading all red, all blue, all green, it does it all at the same time) (MarkeyJester)
    • You can go back to the portal by hitting the back logo in any level in any act
    • When you die, instead of the level restarting, the camera zooms back to the beginning (or checkpoint) and spawns you there
    • Sonic and Tails, Sonic alone, Tails alone, Knuckles alone, Knuckles and Tails, Sonic and Knuckles, redhotsonic
    • When Sonic and Knuckles, if you lose Knuckles, instead of him gliding back in for his respawn, he just drops in (look at the burst video link above and you'll see what I mean)
    • Time over = on or off
    • New music and SFX (thanks, ValleyBell). Some other music is done by SOTI.
    • Sonic (only) has a burst mode (keep running fast for a long time)
    • Tails can fly (and swim) and can carry others. When Tails is flying, press B and he will do a quick drop
    • Knuckles can glide and climb
    • Attract-ring sheild (as well as normal shield)
    • Sonic does his celebration pose at the end of the act, rather than run off the screen
    • New badniks and obects, including barriers, doorways, platforms and even a speedboat!
    • When standing not pressing anything, before Sonic goes into his waiting animation, he will blink and tap his foot. Knuckles will also blink and shake his fists. Tails originally blinked in S2 anyway.
    • Brand new layer deformations
    • When Sonic jumps, press jump again and he will do a mid-air dash (beats the over-used homing-attack)
    • ? ring monitor. Hit it and you'll randomly get either 1, 5, 10, 20 or 40 rings.
    • Dashhoops
    • Anything else I may of forgotten


    Also, a lot of you may recognise this splash screen, but mine has been slightly modified to use redhotsonic instead, thanks to Markeyjester.

    Questions, comments, criticism is welcome. And thanks to people who have helped me get this far.


    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2012
  4. FinkMac

    FinkMac Swëdish Chef Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Walk down the street. You will see a car. Tell the
    Interesting-looking boss...
  5. RandomInnocentGuy

    RandomInnocentGuy Newcomer Exiled

    Mar 20, 2012
    Anywhere else than canada.
    Ok, because of the new updates, now I just really like the hack more. Those updates may be minor to some, but I think the water deformation music idea is really cool.

    Plus, those "work in progress" levels look really good too! I wish you luck in completing this! ;)
  6. manicheadgehog

    manicheadgehog Newcomer Trialist

    Sep 27, 2011
    not important
    This is looking great.
  7. SuPeRx

    SuPeRx Newcomer Trialist

    Aug 2, 2011
    Hell >:D
    Looks ULTRA Awesome, I love the art of the levels, the interesting concepts that you put like the pinch mode. and i can't Wait for play it. you did advance more than the last build. Keep the good Job bro.
  8. Irixion

    Irixion Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 11, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Some parts of this hack feel more like Sonic Advance 3 Recreation more than anything else. I feel like Sa3 style clashes with the classic MD art. Interested in seeing the boss in action though!
  9. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Okay, most people didn't like the font in the new title cards of mine. So, I've put Sonic 3D's font in as I thought that might work. What do you prefer, A or B?













    Also, people are disliking the advance art. Okay, fair comments. So I have ditched the advance levels (except Chaos Angel Zone). Here is a new level I am working on, but let me explain.

    I suck at art, I can't draw for shit. So what I did, is cycled through some other MegaDrive games and used recycled art from their games and put it together. Here is something I am working on (early work-in-progress):



    Comments/criticism as usual are welcome.

  10. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    Slightly random, the art looks like something I saw in Dalek Sam's Thrasher hack. Not the same of course, but it just reminds me of that kinda art. It looks interesting, give the walls some detail.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2012
  11. Gardeguey

    Gardeguey Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 6, 2010

    Oh you... =P
  12. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    At least it's not purple lol
  13. Crash

    Crash Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    For the love of god PLEASE don't use Comic Sans for your title cards!
  14. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Why not?
  15. M.N.K.

    M.N.K. In the River of Darkness... Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    yeah why not? I don't see a problem in him doing so, in fact I actually like but of course that's just my opinion. also at RHS, I'd say go with option B for the text.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2012

    INSTANTHELLIGE Newcomer Trialist

    Apr 15, 2012
    Quite right, i want to check this out as well beacaus it looks awesome! i'll definetly be playing as Red Hot Sonic + Sonic & Knux!
  17. vladikcomper

    vladikcomper Well-Known Member Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    There is an opinion that Comic Sans is a bad and over-used font. I myself can't say if it's actually bad or not, because I'm not a pro in this sort of things. But the way it looked on the title cards was pretty ok for me (though I remember many examples where using this font made text look worse than it could be).

    However, the new font looks considerably better to my mind =)
  18. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    Well the Sonic 3D text does seem to look better than your previous, but I didn't think the old one was too bad either.
  19. Kensou

    Kensou Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    The Sonic 3D font looks better, but you know, it's already used in Sonic 3D, so if you want something original, go with Comic Sans font or try a new one. I don't like the Comic Sans font too much so, in my opinion, I would go with the second option you showed. Btw, the hack is looking great, I like what I see.
  20. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Two things on show here:

    1) My new boss. I did it myself (my girlfriend brother help draw Eggman's pod, but except that, I did the rest of the coding and etc). You have to hit the red balls to turn them into yellow, then if they hit the boss, he gets hurt. The red balls and spike balls do not affect Eggman. Run into any ball and it will hurt you, hit he spikeball, even when jumping, it will hurt you. After 8 hits, pinch-mode is in effect. Things will start to get faster, and more balls will be shot at you. After another 8 hits, you defeated Eggman.

    2) New DAC driver by ValleyBell. It can play DAC's and PCM's, even during gameplay. And that's why you hear Eggman's voice and the new act clear jingle!


    Questions/comments/criticism are all welcome.

    PS, Sorry for the SHIT quality of it. Eggman does flash properly in case you wanted to know =P

    EDIT: Forgot to say, the ball's art has been drawn by MarkeyJester. As the ball's art I originally had were rubbish.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2012
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