Blue Potato the Mcdonalds

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by Blue Potato, Nov 4, 2016.

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  1. Blue Potato

    Blue Potato Newcomer Trialist

    Oct 8, 2016
    Is a joke hack of Sonic 2, is just that, really.
    This hack replaces Sonic for a Blue Potato with eyes, mouth, arms, spikes and the Sonic's Blast Processing who is speed has already now. I also change some levels as well and Sonic and Tails jumps and speed as well.
    Stages descripion:
    Mcdonalds Hill: An generic hill full of ketchup in the water falls and the oecean. The backgrond looks like a desert and the first act have layout changes too

    Happy Plant: Is happy because is just chemical plant, the best level of Sonic 2. But, just don´t fall on the toxic water, for you safety. First act have layout changes

    Aquatic food: This is the worst place to do a aquatic park ride. Eww, hamburgers on the water is just... blerg, just, take the up route okay ?

    Mc Cassino: A fast food and cassino. Did I need to say more ?

    Top of the hill: A totaly original level

    Mystic Cave: Other original level

    Ocean of money: The storage of all the money of the Mcdonalds franchise. But is better not swim in like

    Mcbase: A giant base, way biger then your Grand Big Tasty or your 10 Big Mac. This thing is really huge. Little changes here

    Sky Deliver: Time to strike the Ronald Mcdonald last ship. Any wrong move and you are fried (See the joke ? No ? Oh well). Little changes here too

    Sky Mcdonald: You are a bird but you got tired and hungry, and no have a werid gigant flynig fortress fast food of death close to you ? No problem, the Mcdonalds
    fortress do the job. But wait, you can call the fortress to deliver the food for you, and even have a drive - tru.

    Space Mcdonalds: You live in space ? No? So you will love go to the space Mcdonalds some day. But the colors make you so dizzy, you never will come back to reach the stars (took the joke ?)

    Blue Potato(Sonic): He jumps higher than original Sonic and he's acceleration is just crazy in the water, make the things more harder then normal
    King(Tails): It's just Tails, exepect by the fact is the HARD MODE of the game. He has a lower jump, not kidding, the jump is just a attack, don´t go far then 1 cm. I think is impossible to pass, but, if somehow, you pass this mode, I buy 5 big mac for you, serious, this mode, only God, Chuck Norris, Razor and Zenor and John Cena can pass (If you are one of these people, the challenge dosen´t cont). But you need debug mode for pass some parts of this impossible challenge.
    Ronald Mcdonald(Robotnik): He is just Eggman, but he's machines may be a little bit hard. Just a LIIIIIITLE BIT.

    You want play and say the hack is bad. Sorry, you have too wait Sonic Hacking Contest ;)

    Special thanks:
    The people of the Power Sonic Fórum
    The creators of SonikSprite and Esrael Sonic Editor 2
    The mcdonalds franchise
    Sega and Sonic Team
    M.N.K. and MarkeyJester like this.
  2. M.N.K.

    M.N.K. In the River of Darkness... Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    lol That expression on his face. don't know what it is but it made me laugh.
  3. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Did you record those gameplay videos with a blue potato too?

    Anywho, about the hack itself... meh. I mean, I don't want to hold too much judgement until I actually play it, but it just looks like yet another memey hack trying too hard to be funny. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but that's all I see here.

    I hope you keep your promise on this, because I want those 5 Big Macs. >:V
    M.N.K., ArcaniaCQ and breakthetargets like this.
  4. Blue Potato

    Blue Potato Newcomer Trialist

    Oct 8, 2016
    1. Who knows ?
    2. Its not the best joke hack of the time, but I hope all have fun playing this game
    3. But the challenge just conts if you use Tails. And you and anyone can use a little bit of debug, because, its really hard.
  5. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    This isn't funny. This hack is in no way, shape, or form funny. I understand meme hacks are "popular" now and that it's super funny to do so, but they're not. Joke hacks are funny. Joke hacks that have proper effort put into them are not only fun to play, but they're fun to laugh at as well. However, even those hacks quickly wear out their luster. People normally play them for around 10 minutes, have their fun, and never play it again. And the key thing to keep in mind here is that the joke hacks have actual effort put into them.

    This hack has virtually no effort put into it. All you've done is slapped a little bit of extra level design into Sonic 2's levels, and changed Sonic and the Level's palettes. That doesn't take a whole lot of time. Most people here could probably do it in a weekend. To put it bluntly, there is simply nothing of value to offer here. It's a simple hack that's only purpose is to put something out to the community.

    Now for some real talk. This isn't the way to go about getting noticed in the community. In fact, this is probably the best way to have your reputation tarnished in the community. Effort and quality are what get you noticed here. Actually trying to make a good product instead of shoving something out gets you respect. Think of this as if you were an actual game designer. If you were to present this in front of a big-name publisher like Activision or EA, do you think they'd publish your game because it's a "joke" game? No, you'd be laughed out of the room, and would probably never have a chance to work in the industry again. What you really need to think about before pushing something like this out is "what separates this from other 'joke' hacks in the scene?" Why should I play this over something like Crazy the Hedgehog, or Sonic in Paynt, or Sonic 1337? If the answer is "nothing", then don't put out the product. Re-evaluate it, fix the issues, and make sure your product is worth the time people put in to play it.
  6. Furby Man

    Furby Man Newcomer Trialist

    Aug 5, 2016
    I agree with Misinko. This hack would have been funny back in 2009.
  7. Blue Potato

    Blue Potato Newcomer Trialist

    Oct 8, 2016
    This critict is a bit to big for a simple hack. I see, the hack is notinhg so good if you alrerdy play a Sonic hack, but, thats why I am in this fórum. I want to get better and learn about making games.
  8. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    Your response clearly shows you took zero time in reading what he actually said...
    M.N.K., ArcaniaCQ and breakthetargets like this.
  9. M.N.K.

    M.N.K. In the River of Darkness... Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Yet it's this very Critic that's trying to give incentive and tips on how to make a decent hack that's worth showing to better help earn yourself a good rep. but it seems like you don't take criticism to nicely I see, and echoing what Xeal stated, the fact that you clearly didn't read the full post and ignored all of what Misinko was not only Rude but the way you said it also was pretty snarky. If you truly have intentions of improving on your skills, this is no way to do it, especially with this kind of attitude. You'll just cause more trouble for yourself and everyone won't want to help. well who am I to say? on topic about the hack, like most already said while this is supposed to be a joke hack and while I did chuckle a little, Sorry to say but this could've been better... a lot better.
  10. Painto

    Painto Arthurus Paintus Erinaceus Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Lublin, Poland
    Previous posters told it all. TBH even my old and scrapped Ogórki the Hedgehog concept was funnier and better than this.
  11. โบวี่

    โบวี่ Tsingtao Enjoyer Member

    Dec 27, 2011
    Did you even try when you were making this?
    I'm getting pretty tired seeing lazy joke hacks that have barely any effort put into them.

    I'd say practice your sprite art skills and put more into the hack than palette changes and a character swap.
    breakthetargets likes this.
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